Unlock New Insights from Your Ocean Data
Stay Ahead of the Current
Scoot's SeaState platform transforms the environmental, fish inventory, and operations data that you're already collecting into site-specific ocean forecasts and fish health insights.
Value for all
Trusted by fish farms around the world.

All site staff diligently monitor the environmental sensor data displayed in SeaState for their site every day. They utilize the forecast tool to initiate preventative mitigation strategies to help manage events such as harmful algal blooms or low oxygen events.

We’ve needed an innovative system that not only connects our variety of data streams, but also makes our data useful. Scoot Science’s work is giving us a new level of understanding of how the ocean conditions affect our salmon and our operations in context of the local environment and our interactions with it. Now our team can easily anticipate and act quickly if a threat is approaching, integrate new innovative hardware solutions with our existing infrastructure, mitigate impacts and maximize the full value of our ocean monitoring efforts.